Global Transport Service

Movers and Packers, Durgapur

Global Transport Service, Durgapur

Global Transport Service is a packing and moving service provider based in Durgapur. It mainly provides services related to packing and moving and transporting of goods, logistics and other materials. The company provides necessary human resources and vehicles such as trucks that are required for moving things such as necessary items and vehicles from one place to another. It also tries to lower the expenses required in such processes by any means possible. Hence, you can consider contacting this company for transporting your things from one place to another.


Trucks, Employees, Logistics And Transportation Services

Curated by Aneek Biswas, updated on Oct 19, 2022

Highlights of this place

BOGL COLONY, Durgapur - 713214
Timing: Monday to Sunday: Open 24 hours
Amenities: Online payment accepted
Best for: Family, Couples, Singles, Friends, Kids, Pets
Website: Visit website
Call: 9832196081

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