About Us

Want to discover the most talked-about places near you in Kolkata and other cities? Come to us as we at Trending Near me are there to get you going. Our chief objective is to provide you with all the information that you need to explore and experience the city like never before. And so, Trending Near Me must be your one-stop solution when it comes to remaining abreast of anything that's trending near you!

It can be gym, it can be salon and spa, it can be astrology to that of packers and movers or pest control services, we make sure you get all kinds of services as fast as possible that are situated within your vicinity.

Should you need any details related to pet shops, shopping malls or flower or gift shops, we can guide you about that too. In fact, we believe that there are many captivating places worth exploring not only in Kolkata but in the city's outskirts as well.

Before you head for any such spot, it's better to have a quick look at the comprehensiveness that our site has. How about checking out the best Durga Puja Pandals in Kolkata or the finest temples in the metropolis?

We also have info about things like, the best picnic spots in Kolkata or a comprehensive guide when you visit the city of joy for a day or two. In a word, we want to keep you up-to-date with all the latest happenings and events that are taking place in and around you in Kolkata.